Dentures in San Jose When you lose a tooth as an adult, you have several types of restorative dentistry procedures to fill the space in your smile. However, at the point where you have lost most of your teeth and/or those that remain are significantly affected by decay, it becomes increasingly likely that dentures will be your best option for a fully functional set of teeth. Below, Dr. Ashwini Bhave, a leading dentist in San Jose, discusses popular denture options so you know what to expect.

Standard Dentures

The traditional style of dentures is removable and fits snuggly against your gums while you wear it. Although they can be prone to slipping out of place, your mouth muscles should learn how to hold the teeth in place for added security. These dentures are designed to be removed, cleaned, and soaked at night, meaning that you do not wear your teeth while sleeping.

Partial Dentures

If you have some healthy teeth in your mouth that can be preserved and do not need an entire row of artificial teeth, partial dentures can do the trick. A customized set of partial dentures can fit over your existing teeth to fill in the gaps of your other teeth. These prosthetics are removable and designed to look identical to your natural teeth for a seamless smile.

Implant-Supported Dentures

For sturdier dentures that will not slide out of place, you may wish to consider dentures that are secured to your jawbone with either four or six dental implants. The titanium posts can hold an entire row of prosthetic teeth. Some such dentures can be snapped on and off the posts for easy removability, while others remain in place permanently.

Same-Day Dentures

Dr. Bhave has the technology to fabricate temporary dentures in her office on the same day as any teeth extractions. While these dentures are meant to be used temporarily, they are especially useful so that you do not need to walk around with an incomplete smile while waiting for your permanent prosthetics to be created in a laboratory.

Discuss Your Denture Options with a Top Prosthodontist

At Bay Area Dental Specialists, every type of denture is designed to look hyper-realistic and function on par with actual teeth. No matter the condition of your mouth, our team of professionals can find the ideal solution to restore your smile. To see why so many patients trust Dr. Bhave when they need a new set of teeth, please request an appointment online or call (408) 809-7760.